The Name

“You as well” is synonymous with “you too,” an expression we use to exchange well wishes. You As Well (the brand) carries that same sentiment but also means to remind you to express well wishes to yourself, as in YOU too.

The Owner

You As Well is a woman-owned and woman-run shop offering products full of positive affirmations. The human behind this shop is Melina Esparza (aka @lalamelina), a designer and photographer based in California. To see more of Melina's work, please visit

The Story

One day I was washing my hands in a public restroom. When I looked in the reflection behind me, I noticed a cool poster but it wasn't until I turned to leave that I realized the text in the poster was flipped - only readable in the mirror. I thought "Hmm.. that's clever."

That same year, I moved into my first apartment and was looking to decorate it with one of a kind pieces. With that bathroom poster in mind, I created three typography prints to frame in my bathroom, including one that was readable only when looking in the mirror. I swapped it out with different expressions from time to time, including "You look hot today" and "Happy looks good on you." They became little love notes to me, from me.

Fast forward to 2020, the year that tested many of us. I began creating and sharing simple quote graphics on Instagram as a way to support social justice causes and mental health initiatives. Towards the end of the year, I posted a handwritten doodle that said "Don't be a piece of sh*t" and a few friends wrote back "I want this on a shirt!" and "I would hang this in my office!" So I got to creating designs that would make us feel good and look great on a shirt and in an office.

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